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How does a profit calculator work?

The Profit Calculator works out the profit that is earned from selling a particular item. This calculation is the difference between the cost and selling price. As long as the calculator finds the profit, it is also apt of working out mark up percentage and discounted selling prices.

How do I calculate my crypto profit?

You can calculate your crypto profit by entering your initial investment, buy price, sell price, and optional investment and exit fees. Our free crypto profit calculator will automatically calculate your profit/loss and the total exit amount. Here's the formula: In this case the crypto profit would be $2,375. When to take profit?

How do I use the forex profit loss calculator?

Our Forex profit loss calculator can be used as a take profit or stop loss calculator whether you’re actually using sl/tp values or closing the trade manually. If you wish to calculate your profit with a more advanced calculator to include the exact risk you wish to use, head over to our position size calculator .

How do I calculate potential profits or losses?

To calculate potential profits or losses of a trading position, specify certain trade parameters (e.g., the currency pair, deposit currency, and trade size), the opening and closing price of your trade, and whether you buy or sell. (3.5 * 100,000 USD)* (0.96543 CHF per USD-0.95666 CHF per USD) = 3069.5 CHF.

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